Procedure Text

Apa itu Procedure Text?

Ada tiga definisi “umum” mengenai procedure text :

  1. Teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu bekerja atau teks yang menjelaskan cara menggunakan pedoman instruksi / penggunaan. contoh : cara menggunakan video, komputer, mesin fotokopi, fax dll.
  2. Teks yang menunjukan cara melakukan aktifitas tertentu. contoh : resep, aturan bermain game, eksperimen ilmiah, aturan keamanan berkendara.
  3. Teks yang berhubungan dengan tingkah laku manusia. contoh : cara hidup bahagian, cara sukses. dll..

The purpose procedural text is to tell the reader how to do or make something. The information is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps. These texts are usually written in the present tense. The most common example of a procedural text is a recipe.

Tujuan procedure text adalah memberitahu pembaca cara melakukan / membuat sesuatu. Informasi disajikan dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis. Peristiwa tersebut biasanya dibagi menjadi beberapa langkah-langkah terpisah. Teks ini biasanya ditulis menggunakan present tense. Contoh paling umum procedure text adalah resep masakan.
Generic Structure of Procedure Text
Seperti halnya pengertian procedure text di atas, generic structure (susunan umum) procedure text juga ada tiga :
(1) Goal (Maksud atau tujuan)
(2) Material Needed (Materi / alat / bahan yang dibutuhkan)
(3) Methods or Steps (Metode / langkah-langkah)


How to make Sandwich

  • Mayonnaise
  • Butter
  • Sliced Bread
  • Mustard
  • Lettuce
  • Sliced Cheese 
  • Sliced Chicken
  • Tomato 
  • Butter Knife 
  • Plate
  • Cutting Board
  • knife
  1. Prepare all the ingredients and tools 
  2. Lay 2 slices of bread onto the cutting board.
  3. Butter the side of one piece of bread that is facing up, using the butter knife.
  4. Spread a small amount of mayonnaise on one side of the other slice of bread.
  5. With the plain sides of the slices of bread facing down, place 1-3 leaves of lettuce onto the buttered slice of bread.
  6. Take 2-5 slices of chicken and place on the same slice of bread the lettuce is on.
  7. Slice the tomato so each slice is about ¾ of a centimetre each. Cut as many slices as you would like for your sandwich.
  8. Apply mustard onto either slices of bread and spread the mustard onto the slice of bread with just the mayonnaise on it.
  9. Place 2-6 slices of cheese onto one of the two slices of bread.
  10. Take the bread slice with the mayonnaise and place mayonnaise side down onto the other slice with the other ingredients on it.
  11. Enjoy your sandwich
Buatlah sebuah teks prosedur.


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